Contact Detail

  KE. +254723363039

  ES. +447849220073

  DE. +491705662267

Products and Services

Products and Services

Site supervision and plant management consume a lot of time and effort. Additionally, it might include a diverse multi-level process.

It is important for us to meet our customers’ requirements through a competent supervision team that brings quality workmanship and professionalism on site.

Years of experience have taught us that, each supervision scenario presents complex challenges and cannot be addressed with a one-size-fits-all approach.

DANKEN Supervision leverages on its immense experiences on commissioning, Operations & Maintenance, electrical installation and supervision, automation and control systems, mechanical installation and supervision to streamline operations throughout the process. Site supervision with us is fast, adaptable, and safe for we integrate efficiency, cost control and professionalism.

We supply experienced and hands-on professional expert supervisors, be it large or small-scale project we guarantee end-to-end quality site supervision from initial project verification, Equipment Installation, Commissioning, training and full Operation and Maintenance (O&M).


KE. +254723363039
ES. +447849220073 DE. +491705662267